Alina Yeremenko Apps

HIV OCD Recovery 1.0
Alina Yeremenko
This book is specifically created to helpyouovercome HIV OCD. Even though OCD recovery is similar foranyobsession, there are many intricate details and questions thatcomeup during the course of recovery that are “theme specific”.This iswhy I wrote a separate book specifically on HIV OCD.HIV OCD is extremely common and widespread, but many peopleareafraid to talk about it because of the stigma attached to HIV.Torecover from this type of OCD you need to know how OCD operatesingeneral as well as specifically in case of HIV OCD.This book will also answer the questions you may have aboutHIVOCD. At the end of the book, there is a tracker you need to usetomake sure you are progressing in your recovery. Please don’tforgetto work on and complete the second portion of the book, whichisthe practical application of everything you learned.This book will give you all the information you need tofullyrecover.
False Memory OCD 1.0
Alina Yeremenko
Do you suffer from Obsessive CompulsiveDisorder?This app contains a False Memory OCD Recovery E-book formattedspecifically to fit the iPhone screen and audio version of the samebook read by the author Ali Greymond. It includes a test to checkif the thought is OCD. It also contains podcasts and articles ongetting over OCD. The information written in this book will showyou how to overcome Obsessive Compulsive Disorder once and forall.About the Book:False Memory OCD is becoming increasingly common. This book willexplain why the thoughts are there and what you can do to make themgo away. You do have the power to completely eliminate cheatingOCD, but you need to put in the work required to overcome it.Ali Greymond recovered from OCD using this method and has helpedpeople all over the world recover from OCD as well. If you want torecover from False Memory OCD, this book is for you.What You Will Discover In This Book:- Proven Method of Getting Over False Memory OCD- How to recognize False Memory OCD thoughts- How to stop False Memory OCD thoughts- What you MUST do on daily basis to get rid of OCD obsessions andcompulsions- What you are doing wrong and what thoughts and actions are makingyour OCD worse.- This book will tell you exactly what you need to do to get rid ofOCD. No fillers or useless information.Disclaimer: This app is for information purposes only and is notmedical advice. For medical advice please consult a medicaldoctor.
Cheating OCD Recovery 1.0
Alina Yeremenko
Cheating OCD is becoming increasinglycommon.This book will explain why the thoughts are there and whatyou cando to make them go away. You do have the power tocompletelyeliminate cheating OCD, but you need to put in the workrequired toovercome it.Ali Greymond recovered from OCD using this method and hashelpedpeople all over the world recover from OCD as well. If youwant torecover from Cheating OCD, this book is for you.What You Will Discover In This Book:- Proven Method of Getting Over Cheating OCD- How to recognize Cheating OCD thoughts- How to stop Cheating OCD thoughts- What you MUST do on daily basis to get rid of OCD obsessionsandcompulsions- What you are doing wrong and what thoughts and actions aremakingyour OCD worse.- This book will tell you exactly what you need to do to get ridofOCD. No fillers or useless information.Disclaimer: This app is for information purposes only and isnotmedical advice. For medical advice please consult amedicaldoctor.
CBT for OCD 1.0
Alina Yeremenko
This is book is a self-help guide toOCDrecovery using CBT. CBT stands for Cognitive BehavioralTherapy.It’s an “umbrella term” and uses different techniques inorder tochange how the person’s mind functions. CBT is used formanydifferent types of mental disorders including OCD. CBT isadjusteddepending on the illness and can include differenttechniques.Specifically in helping overcome OCD, CBT includesmindfulnesstechniques, exposure and response prevention and talktherapy. Thiscombination is very helpful in helping recover fromthe disorder.If you are in a situation where you would like torecover from OCDwithout anyone else’s involvement, this book willhelp you do justthat.About Ali Greymond:Ali Greymond recovered from obsessive compulsive disorderusingher method and has helped people all over the world recoverfromOCD as well.This method is described in this book. To begin your recovery,youneed to fully understand the “mechanics” of OCD. You also needtounderstand mindfulness and how using mindfulness can helpyouovercome OCD. All this is explained in this book. Once youlearnhow OCD works, you will be able to use that knowledge toovercomeOCD.
Pure O OCD Recovery 1.0
Alina Yeremenko
Ali Greymond is not a doctor. Sherecoveredfrom OCD using this method and has helped people all overthe worldrecover from OCD as well. If you are ready to recover fromOCD,this book is for you.This app uses You Have OCD Recovery Method, developed byAliGreymond. In this method of getting over Pure O OCD we are goingtofocus on getting rid of OCD thoughts by changing how you reacttothe thoughts. This method ensures that you get over yourpresentOCD worries and at the same time not create any newthoughts.To begin your recovery, you need to fully understandthe“mechanics” of Pure O OCD. This app will explain what you needtodo to start feeling better. It will explain to you exactly whythethoughts are there, why they are constantly coming into yourmindand most importantly, how to make them stop.Once you understand how your mind works and what makesthethoughts come and go, you will get back the control you havelostand will be able to fully recover.You will learn:- Proven method of getting over Pure O OCD- Daily charts and tasks that will keep you progressinginrecovery- How to recognize Pure O OCD thoughts- How to stop Pure O OCD thoughts- What you MUST do on daily basis to get rid of OCD obsessionsandcompulsions- What you are doing wrong and what thoughts and actions aremakingyour OCD worse.- Real life stress and other factors and how they relate to OCDThis app will tell you exactly what you need to do to get ridofOCD. No fillers or useless information.
Fast OCD Recovery 1.0
Alina Yeremenko
If you are in a situation where you need togetover OCD quickly, this book is for you. You must understandthatthis is a “crash course” in getting over OCD and it willrequiremaximum effort. This book will show you what you need to doin yourdaily life to overcome OCD in the shortest amount of timepossible.It will also give you an in-depth look why you get OCDthoughts,what makes them stick, and how to stop them.Ali Greymond is not a doctor. She recovered from OCD usingthismethod and has helped people all over the world recover fromOCD aswell. If you are ready to recover from OCD, this book isforyou.
Sexual OCD Recovery 1.0
Alina Yeremenko
Sexual OCD is a type of OCD that isnevertalked about, however it is extremely common. The reason whyit isnot commonly discussed is because people see something badorembarrassing in talking about this type of OCD. I am here totellyou that Sexual OCD is not that different from any other typeofOCD. There is nothing shameful about it. The fact thatyoucurrently have this type of OCD does not change who you areanddoes not make you a bad person. It is simply a type of OCD. Itispossible to overcome it.In this book we will discuss in detail how to get over OCD.Wewill also go over the details of overcoming Sexual OCDinparticular. These details are important because you needtounderstand exactly where these thoughts and fears come from soyoustop being in fear of them. I truly believe that in ordertoovercome OCD you need to become an expert in this disorder.Youneed to understand why you are having these thoughts, feelingsandfears.After reading this book you will have all the tools you needtoovercome OCD. Please make sure to complete the second portionofthe book, which is the practical application of everythingyoulearned.My OCD StoryI have been suffering with OCD for many years before I createdamethod of how to get over it. I am not a doctor. I am notaprofessional writer. I hope you keep this second part in mindasyou read this book. This is not a book to read and put away. Ihavehelped many people get over OCD and I can tell you that thismethodworks as long as you apply it.When I was suffering with OCD I never thought I would getoverit. I could not even imagine that not only I would get over it,butI would be helping others with it as well. You can get overthis.You can recover. You just need to learn how and apply whatyoulearn.
Overcoming OCD Compulsions 1.0
Alina Yeremenko
When you have OCD there is a strong urge todocompulsions. These compulsions can be physical and mentalinnature. Often it is very difficult for the sufferer to figureoutif the compulsion is driven by OCD or if they are trulynecessary.It is also very difficult to stop once the person isstuck in theprocess of a compulsive action. In this book we will goover thesetopics in depth and answer all questions about gettingrid of bothphysical and mental compulsions.The goal is to fully overcome OCD, so you no longer have theurgeto do compulsions. This book will also explain the effect thattheyhave on OCD and how to overcome OCD and end thecompulsions.This book contains a workbook portion. Please use it, itwillhelp you recognize your compulsions and keep track as youeliminatethem.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) involves unwanted anddisturbingthoughts, images, or urges (obsessions) that intrudeinto achild/teen's mind and cause a great deal of anxiety ordiscomfort,which the child/teen then tries to reduce by engagingin repetitivebehaviors or mental acts (compulsions). So this appgives completedescription about OCD